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Mim's Garden


bad mother chucker
Staff member
By the time I was aware of Docs they were associated with all the different flavours of skinhead, with lace colour and lacing style having coded meanings that showed your allegiance to whatever sect. It just seemed like too much work figuring it all out. 😅

Edit for clarification: at the time(late 80s,early 90's) I was a street kid, and both the nazi-skins and the anti-nazis were part of the scene, so if I'd made a mistake it could have had direct consequences.
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Staff member
Lil progress shot on the deck project. Not bad for a two man crew, I feel like I actually DID something 😂
View attachment 197902
My feet been hurting like a mofo in my busted ol Timbos, so I treated myself to my first pair of Danners. These things are feeling great, right out the box.
View attachment 197903
They are great boots. I use my work boots for hiking they're so comfortable.

Mim Towls

Basement Blendz
Fishin' Mod
As much as I hate to admit it, travis barker and his drumming were a huge part of my youth. There's something about the way the songs move when he's involved, that just gets me, every time. Here's a song that I already liked, taken to the next level with his talent.


By the time I was aware of Docs they were associated with all the different flavours of skinhead, with lace colour and lacing style having coded meanings that showed your allegiance to whatever sect. It just seemed like too much work figuring it all out. 😅

Edit for clarification: at the time(late 80s,early 90's) I was a street kid, and both the nazi-skins and the anti-nazis were part of the scene, so if I'd made a mistake it could have had direct consequences.

You know, I noticed back when I lived in Quebec how they did that too. The easiest way to deal with it, was to simply buy the boots you liked and leave the laces alone. I had Crimson Ghost laces in mine, which meant nothing to no one, but the whole red and white laces thing was just stupid. The others wore Adidas apparently to try and show they were SHARP or some shit. I didn't care. Nazi ideals are fucking stupid, and being German and Irish, I'm surprised I didn't get stabbed for saying "You know if your side had won it'd be illegal to argue with me" LOL. Yeah, I'm shocked I'm not dead sometimes too.

They chose Docs for that "Working class English pride" thing. Even though Docs were invented by a German.

As I typed this I got a new reply notification:

what up @Psychobilly ? how you living bro?
Pretty good :)
Sorry I ain't responded proper to lots of your comments latelty. as far as the "how much is an acceptable level of billy thought for my liking" ...idk man, like once every few days, maybe once a week sounds good to me.
Making me sound like a Pencil there, cause I'm your #2?? LOL ;) I better get side chick benefits.

Mim Towls

Basement Blendz
Fishin' Mod
Shoot as far as doc martins go, I had a pair. They were the work boot lookin ones, and they were my "court shoes". That's how I identified any collared shirts, nice pants, and them doc martins. I was troubled, so whenever I had to go to court, I had to take off the sweat pants, and ecko hoodie, so I could look like an acceptable member of society in front of a judge. I'll never forget when I loaned my "court shoes" to my friend Jerry, because he was much poorer than me, and had a court date. I found that fool days later, wearing my boots, all skuffed up, barefoot, and he said he did a roofing job in them. That was my last pair of docs.


Shoot as far as doc martins go, I had a pair. They were the work boot lookin ones, and they were my "court shoes". That's how I identified any collared shirts, nice pants, and them doc martins. I was troubled, so whenever I had to go to court, I had to take off the sweat pants, and ecko hoodie, so I could look like an acceptable member of society in front of a judge. I'll never forget when I loaned my "court shoes" to my friend Jerry, because he was much poorer than me, and had a court date. I found that fool days later, wearing my boots, all skuffed up, barefoot, and he said he did a roofing job in them. That was my last pair of docs.
I had a Leftover Crack song for a ringtone at one time, and forgot to shut the ringer off while in court one time. The Chorus "Fuck the Police!" came on in court... I think I had my Docs on then too though haha.

Mim Towls

Basement Blendz
Fishin' Mod
Yes sir I am...I'll get some going and let you know when it's ready..takes about a week. I agree after having homemade ya realize how shitty store bought bacon is lol.
Dude they robbed me. That bacon musta been the end of the slab or some shit. I appreciate you brother and I’ll never forget how good my house smelled when I cooked up the bacon you made and sent. Let me know when your ready and I’ll gladly place an order!!!
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