Why cannabis producing terps but also the functions and best way to have the most max terps for cannabis !


Tha Dank Hoarder

this video is well worth listening to cause the guest on there she explains ( ultra smart) so much things about terps and how they function and than some ,from defenses to Best storage but also why so many things play the role of end results and dominance in what the consumer gets at end but also why certain things like microbe to fungi ratio and how certain things make a huge differance on the terps % but also what terps you get. For terps These plants & bacteria release it for reaons and a lot of is communication . point is she explained many of how terps are but also so many things I’m preety sure most farmers for cannabis don’t realize why and how you can raise ur terps but also why it’s good to be knowledgeable on this cause it’s if not the most important thing besides branding that makes a smoke or not.

Plan I’ll find some more related info to back this info and some videos I’ve watched previous to this as side line but I really thought this video after watching it , damn she def nailed the terps questions down!

terps in relation to effects video:

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High as a Hawk
Nice post have to read and digest information -- there are products out there that can "increase" terpene production " Soil Balance is one also Terpioonator and Purpinator can bringout oils,ect But genetics is the starting point + enviroment
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